B’s 07-08 Months

There has been further developments in B’s movements she is now able to puller herself up in a seating position and she is doing more and more quickly. Around mid …

B’s 06-07 Months

B has started to sit up but she is too fascinated with her toes, with a tendency to take her socks off so we keep losing them. She likes rolling …

B’s 05-06 Months

B has started to wriggle and crawl during her sleeping, leaving her blanket behind so we decided to invest in some sleep bags. They were the best investments ever, I …

B’s 04-05 Months

B just had her final injection. She was fine on the first night but the second night she woke up screaming. I managed to settle her but it happened again. …

B’s 03-04 Months

B is a lot more active his month, she has been reaching for things and holding them for longer. As she has tiny hand she is still not able to …

B’s 02-03 Months

This month we decided to start tummy time with B, she didn’t last for very long and rather run her fave on the cover. Gradually she started to stay longer …