B’s 11-12 Months

This month I returned back to work and to be honest it was quite tough.  There was a lot to get use to and more importantly I do miss my …

B’s 10-11 Months

B has been exploring more and getting into tiny spaces, we had to find ingenious ways of baby proofing and blocking off these spaces. However she has been persistent in …

B’s 09-10 Months

B has become very cheeky and more playful. Whenever she has an opportunity she will crawl and climb the furniture. The cycle of teething has started again and it seems …

B’s 08-09 Months

B is getting faster and crawling everywhere so we has to baby proof her play space. Now she is more agile, B wakes up and plays with her toys and …

B’s 07-08 Months

There has been further developments in B’s movements she is now able to puller herself up in a seating position and she is doing more and more quickly. Around mid …

B’s 06-07 Months

B has started to sit up but she is too fascinated with her toes, with a tendency to take her socks off so we keep losing them. She likes rolling …